Pablo García-Palacios
Ecosystem ecology, soil ecology, plant microbiome, agroecology, litter decomposition, soil carbon cycling
Distinguished Researcher at ICA-CSIC
Research Associate at University of Zurich, Agroecology & Plant-Microbiome Interactions
Honorary Member at URJC
Steering Committee of the Global Initiative of Crop Microbiome & Sustainable Agriculture
Associate Editor in Functional Ecology
Subject Editor in Ecosystems
PhD students
Beatriz Jiménez
Research Assistant (Garantía Juvenil CAM)
Sustainable agriculture & climate change, soil C in urban ecosystems
Lab alumni
Jorge Papadopoulos. MSc student at URJC 2009 (Spain).
Amaya Lachaize Müller. MSc student at Centre d'Écologie Fonctionnelle et Evolution - CNRS 2014 (France)
Zuriñe Iglesias. JAE internship at ICA-CSIC 2020 (Spain). Currently MSc student at Kassel University (Germany)
Elena García. JAE internship at ICA-CSIC 2021 (Spain).
Marina Dacal. PhD student at URJC 2017-2020 (Spain). Currently postdoctoral researcher at Freie Universität Berlin (Germany).
María José Fernández Alonso. Postdoc at URJC/ICA-CSIC (Spain). Currently Lecturer at UAM (Spain)